Let the modernists come in (2021 -2023)
Let's celebrate the activism and utopian ideas of the artists of the Russian avant-garde, Bauhaus and De Stijl in the present time where an optimistic all-encompassing idea is indispensable and which all humanity should rally behind to reverse the ecological disaster and stop the war in ukraine.
An utopian and naive idea indeed.
I think of the Russian artists who became successful in the west and those who stayed in Russia and were murdered in Stalin's terror camps.
In 'Let the modernists come in' I literally stack imagery related to De Stijl and the avant-garde and Bauhaus on top of that of chaos and on top of the dummies that represent the entropic body.

Op het oog naar het schijnt
exhibition in Project Space 57 Amsterdam
Duo exhibition by Ton Zwerver and me
(see in this website the section About and then News for the extensive review in het Parool)
exhibition view with an videowork on an i-pad of Ton Zwerver in the back and an installation by me of 2.50 x 2.50 x 2.30 m.
It is called 'Het ruiterstandbeeld' the (The horse statue).

print on archieval matt paper
90 cm x 185
5 + 2 AP

exhibitionview Update, Arti et Amititiae, Amsterdam 2022

installation view

print on archieval matt paper
90 cm x 185
5 + 2 AP

installation view

print on archieval matt paper
90 cm x 185
5 + 2 AP

print on archieval matt paper
90 cm x 185
5 + 2 AP

print on archieval matt paper
90 cm x 185
5 + 2 AP